Bunions (Hallux Abductovalgus) are a common foot condition treated by our team of Podiatrists. As the big toe joint changes position, it can become painful and make shoe fitting more difficult. Bunions are often heredity, but can be exacerbated by inefficient biomechanics and wearing inappropriate footwear.
Conservative management options including splints, orthotics and changes to footwear are usually advised before seeking a surgical opinion.
How can we help?
We start by conducting a comprehensive initial assessment, where we gather a thorough medical history and then complete a physical exam and biomechanical assessment to help us to understand the causative factors.
We will also watch you walk, perform functional movements, and assess your footwear.
At your initial consultation, we will discuss contributing factors and formulate a plan.
Your treatment plan may include manual therapy (foot mobilisation), orthotics, footwear advice and a strengthening program.