Heel pain
Heel pain is the most common musculoskeletal condition we treat at our clinic. Affecting up to 10% of Australians, Heel pain is a general term to describe a number of common conditions that our podiatrists treat including: Plantar fasciitis/fasciosis, nerve impingement, fat pad contusion, Abductor Hallucis tendinopathy, bony injury (including calcaneal stress fractures) and Achilles tendinopathy.
Pain is generally present in the heel or arch area and can be exacerbated by long periods of weightbearing at home or work. Symptoms may include pain and stiffness when you first get out of bed in the morning, or after periods of rest. Your pain levels may increase with increased periods of weightbearing (standing, walking, running).
How can we help?
We start by conducting a comprehensive initial assessment, where we gather a thorough medical and injury history and then complete a physical exam and biomechanical assessment to help us to understand the causative factors and determine a diagnosis.
We will also watch you walking and assess your footwear.
At your initial consultation, we will discuss the contributing factors to your injury and formulate a recovery plan. This treatment plan may include manual therapy (Foot mobilisation, dry needling etc), taping, orthotics, footwear advice and an exercise program to stretch and strengthen. We also offer shockwave therapy which is very effective at reducing pain and stimulating healing.